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Investment Specialist Angela Webb Joins Bayleys Christchurch

Our Property Manager Team is happy to announce an addition to the Bayleys family. Angela Webb, a Christchurch Investment Specialist has recently joined our team and is already working hard to assist buyers and sellers with advice on property transactions.

If you need help obtaining and building rental portfolios, Angela is your first port of call. With expert knowledge, a very wide network and practical experience about getting the best performance from an investment portfolio, Angela has established a reputation for being the go-to girl for residential investment properties. 

Being an investor herself and having worked for Brazier Property Investments Ltd. as the leading agent, Angela has a thorough understanding of Christchurch’s property stock. Whether you are looking for multi-income or single properties, Angela will help you make the most of Christchurch’s flourishing rental property market.

By the way, Angela Webb is not only an Investment Specialist when it comes to rental property in Christchurch. She also invests with her heart: Angela’s passion for travelling in Third World countries has extended to 2 volunteer projects working at Shepherd’s Arms Children’s Home in Bohol, Philippines. Angela is also the sole sponsor of Angelou Bakery Business which uses its income to support children within the Alona Beach community!

When it comes to Christchurch property, Angela has found her perfect spot on a lifestyle block in West Melton where she enjoys her passion for training/riding horses.

If you’re thinking about tapping into the booming rental property market by investing in rentals, give Angela a call on  03 375 4700, or email angela.webb@bayleys.co.nz.